"I know in my heart that man is good,
that what is right will always eventually triumph,
and there is purpose and worth to each and every life."

February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cash For Clunkers...How about some Wisdom For Washington?

Isn't it great to have our government pass a program that benefits foreign nations more than our own? I didn't like this program from the beginning, but after reading about some hard core statistics and research that is coming out about it I am really hating it even more. What's up with our government? The only reason people like this program is because they're able to have the tax paying public help subsidize their new car. Who wouldn't like money that comes out of someone else's pocket instead of their own? Anyways, after reading how this program has been of a benefit to foreign automakers, I had a thought quite quickly that seemed pretty obvious to me but, well, you know how Washington is, the obvious is usually wrong because it's not confusing and clouded enough with political rhetoric to hide the majority of truth that politicians don't usually want the public to know about. Anyways, how hard would it have been to put a clause in this bill that specified AMERICAN automakers?! Didn't anyone up on the Hill in DC actually think about that? Specifying that the auto rebate could only be applied to cars made right here in the good 'ol US of A? Heaven forbid we actually do that, because it would require cutting out part of the world market and our new government is more concerned with what the world thinks about us as than they are about simply doing what is most right for the people they supposedly represent. Geez! What great leadership.

Follow the link to a brief article with the stats and some interpretation of them about the Cash For Clunkers program. The article is entitled

'Clunkers' Program Benefits Foreign Automakers More, Data Shows
