While my animosity towards the monstrosity that is the deceitfully named "Affordable Care Act" has been constant since it was being crafted in secret and without bipartisan collaboration before its eventual passage in March 2010, it is nice to see vindication. Over the past several weeks, the "extremists" who have been warning about the ticking time bomb hidden within the most convoluted, regulation creating, and abstract bill ever created, are finally being proven right. The law that needed to be passed in rapid desperation with the promise of being accepted once it is understood, is becoming understood and increasingly rejected rather than accepted. Passed behind closed doors, in a more hyper partisan manner than any major legislation in modern history, it was sold to the American people on promises being proven false. Stated more succinctly--it was sold on lies. The lies were unequivocal, on record, and repeated by not only numerous senators, but worse, on at least 36 occasions by the man holding the office once deserving of the highest degree of trust in the land. The American people haven't been lied to so bluntly since Clinton's perjury regarding his adultery or Nixon's denial of his involvement in Watergate. While some lies are only so in degrees of variance, or interpretation, the lies in Obamacare couldn't be farther apart from one another in degrees. The President's remarks were unusually clear as far as Washing political talk goes, leaving zero room for misinterpretation and down the road equivocating. And yet we are now down that road, and awakening to a realization that the President was 100% wrong. Promises of keeping things now being stripped away, affordability for services now increasing in price, and efficiency of service now marred by failure on a massive scale, were thrown at the American people with the confidence of an artist in the immortality of his work carved in granite, yet they now sit in more pieces than a Picasso puzzle. Of course, the suffering of a people lied to by the leader they elected to support them is no laughing matter, but what is laughable though also utterly disturbing is the various media outlets rushing to defend the isolated President. From the New York Times calling his lies "incorrect promises" to journalists on CNN, msnbc, and other networks simply throwing their arms in the air and blaming Republicans, apparently taking a page right from the Obama administration's playbook for the first 4 years of their Presidency during which time Bush was culpable for everything wrong with our country. Unfortunately, they can no longer blame Bush, and blaming Republicans for a bill they literally had zero input on and were forcibly kept from contributing to is certifiably insane.
UPDATE: A couple of days after writing this, President Obama himself gave in to blaming Republicans for the failure of Obamacare's rollout even though, again, they had nothing to do with it. He says that because they have been rooting for the law's failure, they are responsible, because they are "invested in defeat." You can't make this stuff up. WashPost Reports Obama Blames a GOP 'Invested in Failure' for Obamacare; Skips Any Republican Rebuttal
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