"I know in my heart that man is good,
that what is right will always eventually triumph,
and there is purpose and worth to each and every life."

February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why I'm Conservative...

I am conservative because I believe freedom is meant to be given uniquely to each individually, not collectively to groups.  For that matter, I don't believe in "the masses," but I do believe in the uniqueness of each individual that makes up what others call "the masses."  I believe there is more unique than the same about the so-called "common man," and that the uniqueness of each individual is anything but common.

I am conservative because I believe people can take better care of each other than entities can.  While I recognize entities are a necessary evil, I believe that the farther from the people they are meant to serve they become (through regulations, bureaucracy, sheer size, and so forth) they become worse and worse at their job.  They become insulated from their own failures and fail to see them, and simply begin to perpetuate themselves rather than the cause for which they were begun.

I am conservative because I believe principle trumps party.

I am conservative because I believe in the goodness of mankind.

I am conservative because I believe in the innate potential of individuals.

I am conservative because I believe we should be given the chance to fail in order to learn how to grow.

I am conservative because I am not afraid of failure.

I am conservative because I believe the human spirit is more powerful than anything else.

I am conservative because I recognize that there is evil in this world that cannot be controlled through regulation or legislation.

I am conservative because I believe governments first role is to protect, not provide.

I am conservative because I believe the government is a servant of the people, not their master.

I am conservative because I believe everything that makes man good is not granted us by government, but by God.

I am conservative because I believe in the America that the founders gave us.

I am conservative because I believe that the weaknesses of the founders doesn't undercut their arguments regarding liberty--I believe it is wrong to believe only perfect people can be right.

I am conservative because I believe our country is a republic, as the Founding Fathers clarified it was, not a democracy, as they clarified it was not.

I am conservative because I believe it is the responsibility of each individual to work to make the most with their life, not the government's.

I am conservative because I believe that without inequality in all things, those at the bottom wouldn't know for which they could strive, of what they are capable, and how to help others once they get there, and that those at the top can feel the pride of having born the fruit of their own labors and not others, can better assist others in joining them, and that their aspirations cannot be fueled by regulations but can be dampened by them.  I believe we ARE all equal in our potential, for we all contain the same spark of divinity and goodness within us, but I do NOT believe we are all equal in our success and effort, and to require us to be, or even force us to be, is an affront on the beauty of the uniqueness of the individual and a fulfillment of biblical prophecy of calling evil good, and good evil.

I am conservative because I believe that we can never all be made to be equal, but that our ability to become uniquely who we need to be IS equal in that we all possess the ability.

I am conservative because I believe that principle comes before party and politician.

I am not conservative merely because I like leaders who claim to be conservative.

I am not conservative because I have been offended by the behavior or attitudes of someone who is not.  I believe in distinction between principles, which can be shared, and individual behavior, which cannot.

I am not conservative because I have been told to be, but because I can think for myself.

I am not a conservative because it's hip, popular, or what others around me choose to believe in as well.

I am a conservative because for me, it is right.

I am conservative because I recognize that for you, it may not be right.

I am conservative because I believe that to disagree with me does not mean you are wrong.

I am conservative because I believe our differences in principle are not a weapon in a war that must be won, but tools to be used to foster understanding and appreciation without requiring conversion or agreement.

I am a conservative because the principles of conservatism are the principles most dear to my heart and at the core of who I am.

I am not a conservative because of policies, programs, or politicians.

I am a conservative because of individuality, not commonality.

I am conservative because I believe we have more that unites us than divides us.

I am conservative because I believe what does unite us is more important than what divides us.

I am conservative because I believe the divide that society tells us divides us is a lot smaller than they say.

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